26 December, 2010

Hallelujah Chorus Melbourne Central Flash Mob Skin Opera 22-12-10

Sue sent us a notice to say that we might like to participate individually in this Flash Choir event to be held at Melbourne Central. Two of our choir members went along and said it was great to be part of it. Here they are...

Our intrepid Hallelujah Chorus participants taken at Mt Martha
I've put the YouTube link here for you to see the event. 

You will see our lovely participants right at the bottom of the screen at about 1 minute 20 seconds - watch carefully. They are visible only fleetingly. Wish I'd managed to get there too.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I'm thankful it wasn't too hot to sit outside with our friends. You can expect a bit of news from the Singers Festival in Daylesford in about three weeks and in the meantime, enjoy the break before we return at the end of January, 2011.
Happy New Year,

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