22 June, 2010

French Island Fund-raiser

On Sunday 20th June Simply Irresistible did a gig on French Island to help raise funds for improving the local hall.  We include in this post a few photos and a blurb taken from the French Island Community Magazine, August, 2010.

"It was a Sunday afternoon. The community hall was packed with the cacophony of expectation. Local resident Jane Unwin had invited the 20 strong choir "Simply Irresistible" (Mornington Peninsula), of which she is a member, to the Island for an afternoon of a'cappella music. This bubbling, energetic bunch of choristers treated us to songs we all know: "Summertime" with delightful twist with words about French Island; Billy Joel's "Longest Time", and "Money" when the hall was aflutter with one hundred dollar bills thrown with careless abandon by the smiling choir. Sue, the choir master, led us all in the simulation of an approaching storm. Hand clapping, knee beating and foot stamping rolled, wave-like, around the room. Our rendition of angry, inclement elements was most professional!"

Rhythmic beat, voices soaring.

"... we were blown away by a set of African songs. The rhythmic beat with primitive syncopation, the voices all soaring, dipping, conspiratorial, immodest and feather. It didn't matter that none of us understood one word in any song. The choir's emotional renditions brought the hall into silent awe. ... that afternoon has to be one of the most beautiful events on the island"

"Money" and throwing it around!

Hope you enjoyed the memories, and if you weren't there, that you have a sense of the fun and energy of the afternoon.
Cheers everyone,